How to keep getting motivated

Feeling lazy,  stuck, lost or “not in the mood”?? Don’t feel like doing anything or tend to procrastinate what you’re supposed to do??

It happens to me and might happen to you as well.

Tony Robbins once said:

People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them”

So setting goals, having faith and keeping motivate yourself from day to day especially when you’re down are critical. I believe we can achieve any goals if we motivate ourselves enough. Here are some sources of motivation I can find on a daily basis:

  • Review or at least rewrite my own goals
  • Visit blogs of people who have achieved my goals. Their “top 100 things to do”s really refresh me.
  • Listening to inspiring videos by famous speakers like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Les Browns.
  • Find some funny yet informative or intriguing photos. (9gags may have some for you – don’t overdo it)
  • Re-read some of my bookmarked articles.
  • Read a few motivational quotes & take a short coffee break to think about & feel it (Again don’t overdo it)
  • Talk to a stranger

You may try those or find your own inspirations, and make it a daily habit to get inspired! Then go for your goals & dreams!

Do note the Law of momentum that says “A body at rest tends to remains at rest while a body in motion tends to remain in motion”. So if you feel discouraged, the best way is to stop doing what you’re right now, completely & thoroughly! Then go do something differently which will move yourself nearer to achieving your goals!