Millionaire Mind Intensive 2013

It’s the only second seminars that I’ve attended so far (the first one was the National Achiever Congress last year). It’s such a bless since I already missed 2 this year. I really hated myself; hated the law of average – committed but then never showed up, so much. I told myself, it’s enough. It was one of the main reasons I wanted to attend this seminar..

The law of average unsurprisingly occurred once again in this seminar. It’s said that over 10,000 people had registered (including a friend of mine) but only around 2,000 people showed up. 1/5 – not a bad ratio though.

This seminar’s content is developed by T. Harv Eker and was led by ROB RIOPEL. Apparently he was a great guy. I really love his voice & presentation and so admire his energy that he could keep his “level 10” energy throughout the day & probably the program (it’s 2-day seminar).

Nothing new to me, I have to confess since I’ve already watched the exact same seminar online (they called it webminar) and another on Youtube taught directly by Harv Eker. It’s interesting that Robbert was following almost exactly Harv’s content, mimicking even his examples – which were awesome though. Nevertheless, I tried not to be the “know-it-all” or “I-know-that” person. In fact, I did learned something interesting (the Play jar for example) that allows me to re-define my financial plan again on Sunday.

Unlike the National Achiever Congress, it’s relatively straightforward and sort of meant for starters (I did learn a lot lot when I first watched it though). It didn’t have as many as speakers either. But since it’s led by the most energetic guy I’ve ever met, everything seemed alright.

By the way, one big lesson I learn through this seminar is that we should NOT go with a friend, family or even partner or at least don’t sit beside them – which is hard though, in these kind of seminars. It’s such a great chance to meet new people & do some networking. However, if you go with your friends, chances are you end up sitting with them, talking with them, doing everything with them. Of course it’s not what’s supposed to be.. Go alone, abeit a bit uncomfortable, and try to talk, meet and make new friends! It’s the best place to find good friends, partners and even girl/boy friends for those who’s single.

In short, It’s always great to be in a seminar like this to keep up &/ change your energy.

ps: story of a special dad – son & think-big (ideal lifestyle)