The Secret Overview

The power of love

the greatest power of the universe

The law of attraction

Like attracts likes – what you give out is what you receive in life

give positivity, you will receive positivity

give negativity, you will receive negativity

How do you know? => through your thoughts & feelings

people/circumstance & events

You are a magnet

Thought happens before any actions -> You can’t take any actions without any thoughts

You only want what you love

life doesn’t happen to you; you receive what you give out

Don’t talk about what you don’t love (being late, jam, => complain)

talk about the good news

You have to talk about what you love to bring what you want to you

nothing is impossible with the power of love

The power of feelings

you’re a feeling being

it’s impossible to have bad thoughts & good feelings at the same time.

All your love will come back to you

Good means good

Feeling okay is most of time a negative feeling because it’s not a good feeling

“Measure of love is the love without measure”

Monday, May 20, 2013 around 3pm
Saturday, June 29, 2013 around 9am
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