Who are you?

People would always like to give advice – even advice that they interestingly don’t understand and follow!

Be this. Do that.
Don’t smoke! – suggested by a guy who’s holding a cigarette!
Go to college & get a safe and security job! – advised by parents who become successful by doing the opposite.

I did too to be honest.

But now I change. I start reading books; I become consciously choosing who I wanna associate; I’m building my own team & cabinet. Most importantly, I’m afraid to give advice – I’m just not there to do that yet.

That’s why before you talk to me and you want me to treat you & whatever you say seriously, let’s go through this quick checklist:

  1. How many non-fiction books (self-help in particular) that you’ve read? #Knowledge #Perspective
  2. What’s your 5-aside Team? Who are your 5 closest friends? #Association
  3. Who are your mentors? #Teacher/Coach #Perspective
  4. What have you achieved personally and professionally? #Achievements & finally
  5. What’s your bank accounts right now? #Finance

#1 Many people learn & get knowledge passively, meaning they only know what they’re taught, which is very little & one-sided. Read books & open to new ideas & knowledge.
Show me what you’ve learned!

#2 You can also help yourself a lot by associating with beautiful, inspiring people & environment.

#3 Model, copy, mimic – whatever you wanna call it – those who you wanna become. Don’t reinvent the wheel. No one is 100% “self-made”!

Show me your closest friends, team and teachers, I can more or less tell who you are.

#4 Many people mistake “saying” as “doing”; “doing” vs “achieving”. That’s why many people spend their whole entire life achieving and contributing almost nothing.
Some people are simply gifted with natural talents (and good enviroment) that requires little additional personal development. Show me what you have achieved, I may ignore the rest of the conditions.

#5 Real values equal monetary values (= money). I don’t believe in stories about talented but broke people. They ain’t that talented. And if you only can create “half-values”, you work for someone else! (or you’re broke!) LOL