4 Types of People

Robert Kiyosaki has his own 4 types of people. You probably have your own too. So do I. I’ve found out there are 4 types of people in the world:

– the stupid

– the rather stupid

– the very stupid

& the completely stupid people

Yes, you see it right. People are stupid (that’s why Jim Rohn asked us to walk away from the 97%). We were all born smart but then taught and trained to be stupid. Of course we are not all the same. And since stupidity is just a temporary state of mind, every single one of us can change and eventually live very different lives. We’ve seen many “stupid” people who remains poor while a lot become the middle class, a few become rich and one or two join the billionaire club.

So what are the differences?

Well, the very and rather stupid people are often strongly influenced by their family & environment. The completely stupid people are interestingly those who actually know they’re stupid while the stupid people are those “know-it-all” kinds of people who think & behave as they already know everything (In Vietnamese, we call them “da ngu ma con to ra nguy hiem” lol – I’ve seen a few and personally interviewed one – talk about that later :d ).

As a result, the completely stupid are eager to learn and keep improving themselves because they know they’re not perfect. The very and rather stupid work pretty hard to earn a living because they’re weak and don’t know what else they could do. The stupid people are often smart and happen to be in the right environments. However, because they don’t work as hard as the very and rather stupid and due to their special “know-it-all” characteristics, they live wasteful lives between doing & not doing anything.

For me, I’m lucky enough to be in the last cat. In fact, I’ve “advanced” from the stupid to become the completely stupid person 😀 Since I can advance “backward”, I’m really happy and blessed 🙂

Sunday, August 11, 2013 around 3am
Thursday, August 15, 2013 around 1pm
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