Good Reads

These are great articles from various sources and writers which are worth a least a second read and thought. I keep them all here for future reference. This will be updated constantly, so bookmark it if necessary.


Lessons & Tips:

Fish don’t know they’re in water – Derek Sivers

We’re so surrounded by people who think like us, that it’s impossible to see that what we think are universal truths are just our local culture. We can’t see it until we get outside of it.”

Valuable to others, or only you? – Derek Sivers

When I’m hot, it’s hard for me to imagine that others in the room are cold. I think it really is hot, not that it’s hot only for me. It feels like fact, not opinion.”

Never Hurt to Ask – Darren Hardy

Ask, and Ye Shall Receive. Ye Have Not, Because Ye Ask Not

=> Before you ask: What have you tried?

Young people are screwed… Here’s how to survive  –

Lesson No. 1: Learn to make something

Lesson No. 2: No, education is not the answer.

Lesson No. 3: Your parents and grandparents don’t understand your world. You should probably ignore them.

Lesson No. 4: Don’t worry about your network. Worry about your friends. [If you have successful friends, you will be successful.]

10 Smart Things I’ve Learned from People Who Never Went to College

10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job – Steve Pavlina

10 Reasons You Should Never Have a Religion – Steve Pavlina

Ten Ways To Ensure You’re Driving Your Bus Instead of Just Being a Passenger

There’s No Such Thing as the Worthy Poor – Scott Dannemiller

Tim Ferriss Interview – Derek Sivers

Fuck, I Need Some New Swear Words – davidbanks

Disconnecting Distractions – Paul Graham

The Imperfectionist – Sarah

Smarter Than Your Parents – Steve Pavlina


You Should Write Blogs – Steve Yegge

Why You Should Write Things Down – Henrik Edberg


Presentation Zen


3 Entrepreneurial Skills You Won’t Learn In Business School: How to code, sell & hire

Why are you in such a rush? Dan Shipper – slow is smooth and smooth is fast

Sucking Less Every Year

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything


Content Without Design is Dumb – Pat

User Experience

Please make your article title as a link – it helps me & others to share it easier. Steve Pavlina and many others do this!

“Fuck You.” – Brad Frost

Next time you find yourself intentionally depriving someone an experience—to acquire knowledge, to complete a task, to do something online that can make their life even just a little better—picture yourself standing in front of that person in real life, looking them square in the eyes, then firmly and definitively saying “Fuck you.”


Busting the 21 days habit formation myth
How Long to Form a Habit?
Habit Formation: The 21-Day Myth
>> It takes more or less 66 days to form a new habits

Simply Successful Secrets Roundup!

5 things to do everyday to be successful


Are Your Goals Holding You Back? – Dan Shipper


The Power of Association – Robert Kiyosaki => I like the term “motivation killers” 😀


Don’t Do It For The Money – do it because you love it. Do it because….

Do You Know?

Why Ideas Pop Into Your Head When You’re Trying to Fall Asleep – No distractions


How to Need Less Sleep by Getting Better Sleep Every Night  – Better Sleep is More Important than More Sleep


Job Titles in the Web Industry –

Are we designers or developers?

Go the F**k Home – an interesting post & speech!

If you can’t name two things you’re regularly doing outside of work, you’re spending too much time there.

Programming Is Like Dancing – Dan Shipper : The product isn’t eternal but the moment is. The feeling isn’t lasting but it’s worth chasing.

Why I Left Google


10 Tips for Moving From Programmer to Entrepreneur  – Ian Landsman: Design!! vs Coding



How to become a hacker?

Hackers vs. Coders – this not a real ‘hackers’ btw

They’ll be focused on solving user problems, rather than solving implementation problems. They spend more time hacking it and less time coding.

Are You An Expert?

How To Be A Great DeveloperEd Finkler – Poor communication

Learn to Code >> 4 non-coders

The Origins of the <Blink> Tag  – Getta know this when doing my current homepage

Bai tieng Viet:

Thời vắng những nhà văn hoá lớn? – Trần Hữu Dũng

Tuổi 16, ta đã làm được gì? – Dongsongxanh

Bài học kinh nghiệm về hợp pháp hóa mại dâm

Justin Khương: Phong ba bão táp không bằng Start-Up Việt Nam

Không thích đọc tình yêu lm buồn, oán trách kiểu này lắm nhưng hay:

Đàn ông ví mỏng – Trang Ha

“đàn ông kiếm tiền là năng lực và tiêu tiền là văn hóa”

Vì bạn không đủ tư cách để yêu (2) – Trang Ha

“Bởi vì nếu thật sự yêu, người con gái sẽ tự nguyện chờ đợi, vượt qua được những khoảng cách và không gian, mà không cần một lời hứa hẹn ràng buộc nào cả. Tôi tin thế.”

Lý do tui ghét chữ phượt













You should have a blog!

A summary of why you should have a blog:

  • Don’t ever trust your mind
    10 or even just 5 years from now, you likely won’t remember even your most memorable moments today.
  • Who were you yesterday?
    Time’s flying. As time goes by, you’re also likely to lose track of yourself. Jotting something down is one of the best ways to keep track of your progress.
  • Your stories (experiences) are your life
    If you have a lot to say but nothing to write down. Do worry!
  • Your experiences are invaluable! (even though you may think they’re not) So write them down & share with us. I’d love to read your blog

My Story

Many of my friends find it weird when I put a pocket pen inside my wallet. So do they feel when seeing me carry some “funny” notepapers…

You’ve got to write things down!

Don’t ever trust your mind

I and she – we had a great trip in Thailand. At the end of the trip, I asked if she will remember this trip. Un-reluctantly she said no, no, never, how would I forget these wonderful memory?

[keep things/events in perspective – what & who you love now may not last forever]

Well, our memory is certainly not as reliable as we may think it is. Write things down and you will know how much our memory can leak. This is even more important:

“Every time we remember something we recreate what happened rather than just replay a film from our mental archives. The recreation is directed by a number of things such our beliefs, our emotional state at the time and our self-image. What you remember about an event may differ quite a bit from what someone else remembers.” – Henrik Edberg

One year later for some reason we broke up. Now every time she thinks about the trip, she says it’s really bad and that she just wanna forget it all. Unsurprisingly, the trip now becomes a forgettable experience simply because it reminds her of our broken relationship.

By writing things down, you are not only able to remember it longer but also keep its perspective.

Keep track of your progress

If I’m this positive person, who would know & imagine that I was a completely negative person not long ago? No one maybe not even myself. By writing things down, you can track your progress. When realising that you’re improving, you will become more appreciated of what you’re having and that keeps you moving forward.

By keeping a written record of your life, you’ll be more accountable. By putting into writing the action steps that you’ve planned; you will easily see what works and what doesn’t.
Most people just try to get through the day; never writing anything down; never keeping track of their progress along the way…” – Jim Rohn

Also, you don’t have to occupy your mind by remembering every little thing. By writing them down and clearing them out, you will become less stressed and it will become easier for you to remember and think clearly.

So first, you’ve got to write things down. Second and probably one of the most important things I would ever say in my blog: you should have a blog.

Don’t over-think it BLOG

I know, many of you’ve already used some kind of the so-called “blog”. Journal, diary, notebook, phone tracking notes – whatever you want to name it. The interesting thing is when it comes to blog, many would think that it’s a super hard thing that only writers would use. Only those who have outstanding writing skill should have a blog. Or it’s meant for businesses, etc. The truth is:

You don’t need to have a flair in writing to write.

You don’t need to have a business to have a blog.

You don’t even need to spend a buck to have a blog of your own…

Blog is just a tool that helps you keep your journals easier.

Just do it

Your blog’s design may be ugly but who cares, it’s yours.

Your ideas may be ridiculous; your thoughts may be random but who cares, they are yours.

Your blog would suck but who cares, it’s yours.

I remember that awkward moment when I admitted I loved a girl in my class and my friends kept laughing at me when they read it. But… So what?

Now how about:

Someone gets useful information when reading your personal trip’s experience with your girl/boyfriend in Vietnam?

Someone gets inspired when reading some of your “nonsense” ideas?

Your stories are your life

Your experience is invaluable – which you may not realise until you look back on it. So don’t let those experience be just a topic of your daily gossip or chit chat. Save it for others. If you meet a weird strange person and find him interesting, jot it down. If you have a chance to go to Africa, jot down your experience there.

You may not realise. But… Your opinions count. Your ideas are original. Your stories are unique. Your journey is a wonderful lesson. And they are all interesting. So Keep them. Write them down & share them with us. I’d love to read your blog!

Updated on October 5th, 2013













Why Linux, not Windows

According to W3School, as on 2010, 86,3% of PC users all over the world run Windows OS compared with the humble 4,8% of Linux. However, this number keeps dropping, while the Linux market is growing rapidly. I believe this is the new trend of PC users. To illustrate the point, I will go through the 3 fundamental questions: What, Why and How.
At the end of the day, you don’t need to remember anything but the interesting quotes highlighted in red color. And I hope you’ll enjoy the article & give Linux (Ubuntu for example) a try!

What’s Linux?

To KISS it, Linux refers to the family of Unix-like Operating System (OS) using the Linux Kernel, which was conceived and created by Linus Torvalds. Linux is a leading server OS. Its popular consumer distributions include Ubuntu and openSUSE.

Why Linux?

Let’s first take a look at 4 ultimate advantages of Linux over Windows:


Life is too short to waste time worrying about viruses. If you ever use Windows, virus is basically nothing but an infuriating computing nuisance. Luckily, viruses now would be things of the past or only in the Microsoft world with the emergence of Linux. Be fearless of getting viruses from your friends’ thumb drives. Be free from getting expensive Anti Virus software. Using Linux is really a virus-free experience that Microsoft Windows can only dream of.*

“Avoid the Gates of Hell (Viruses and DLL). Use Linux!”


Linux scores a lot when it comes to stability. You will almost never be greeted by ‘Blue screen of Death’ as quite often as in Windows. What’s more, you would hardly be asked to restart your computer when you finish installing an application. Even more, you will never need to find and install any device drivers since Linux only support open source drivers, which is always available on-line (and the system will do the jobs for you). As a result, you will almost eliminate the downtime caused by the OS.

“Windows had detected you do not have a keyboard. Press “F9″ to continue.”

Extremely FAST

As a former Windows user, I used to have it re-installed at most every 3 months since its performance gets below average. It’s really irritating since I have to re-install a whole bunch of software and drivers as well! Incredibly, Linux hardly ever slow down over time. You would probably hear someone who’s had the system running for years without any slowdown! Even continuous operations seem not cause any problems to the system. Everything seems to work as quickly and perfect as it did yesterday.

“Windows is extremely fast after a fresh install. If you want to make it stay that way: – don’t use it!” 


Absolutely FREE

Hey folks, Windows is not free! Its latest version costs $199.99! It just seems to be mainly because Windows is a “built-in” when you buy any new laptops or desktops. But you know what, your laptop or desktop price is definitely inclusive of the licensed Windows cost! Obviously, it’s not a small portion.

Lamentably, it’s just a start of endless troubles. Windows is just a great framework for software companies to take advantages. You can’t just install Windows alone! You also need Anti-Virus software and Microsoft Office suite at the very least. And you get my point: You have no choice but to pay more and more …

Yes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Fortunately in life, there is one and perhaps only one service that’s free – it’s the open source software. Linux OS is completely free, meaning you don’t need to pay a single buck to use Linux OS. You will even be able to upgrade to the latest version when it comes out, together with free updates and patches in between.

Contrary to Windows, Linux always strives to give you as much value as possible for the minimum cost.

“Software is like sex – it’s better when it’s free!” (Linus Torvalds)

Hold on. There are even more… “Microsoft sells you Windows; Linux gives you the whole house.”


Linux come in many flavors – distributions also known as distros, which use the same kernel (the guts of the Operating System) such as Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora as opposed to Windows with only 2 main lines (Win9x and NT class with Win9x is now no longer supported). They interestingly differ in the built-in software, GUIs, install processes, prices, documentation and technical support.

Linux is customizable in a way that Windows can never be. A large number of available desktop environments, of which GNOME and KDE are widely used, are always distinct in the ways they manage items. If you get bored with the look of any distro, you can change its themes; bored with its desktop environment, you can switch to another distro. Also, there are some other specific purpose versions of Linux available here and there. If you wanna start with Linux, let use Ubuntu – the most user-friendly Linux.

Linux source code is also freely available. If you want (and are able to), you can tweak it and create you own customized OS!!

“Use the best: Linux for servers, Mac for graphics, Windows for Solitaire”  

OpenSuse 10.3 copied from


Nowadays Linux with its various distros is simply stylish, gorgeous and wonderful. Its snazzy desktop effects,which is really a pipe dream in Windows or even Mac OS X, will definitely give you tremendous experience. In Ubuntu, with the help of the guy called “Compiz”, you’ve got even more awesome options.

“Using Windows is like dating an ugly girl!”

REGULAR releases

It took nearly 6 years from Windows XP to Vista and another 3 years to Windows 7 with a few service packs updated meanwhile. In Linux, you have the equivalent of a service pack of most distros every 6 months. In the meantime, you will get bug and security fixes every week. Regular releases not only increase Linux stability but also perfect its look and feel.

“In the world without walls and fences, who need Windows and Gates?”

SUPER-FAST Boot speed

Truth be told, Windows 7 doesn’t boot or shut down faster than its sibling – Windows Vista and of course is far outperformed by Linux distros. If you turn on your desktop or laptop twice a day, you will likely have 10 extra minutes each week and much more since Windows slows down significantly over time.

Linux will give you some extra precious time beside your family, boy/girlfriend. Think about it if you’re as busy as a bee! (the naked)

LOW system requirements, SMALL disk space usage

If you have a modest system or wanna utilize your old PC, use Linux! Linux distros generally demand lower system requirement than Windows. In particular, with just 256MB of memory, you can run OpenSuSe 11.3 or Ubuntu 10.04 (LucidLynx) adequately compared with 1GB of Windows 7.

Likewise  most of Linux distros occupy just a little bit space of your hard disk. They takes at most a quarter of the disk space that Vista or Windows 7 does. It means you will have more disk space for your own files.

“Anyone can build a fast processor. The trick is to build a fast system.” (Seymour Cray) 

EASY Applications installation

If in Mac OS, you only need to acquire (download), un-package then drag and drop to install a programme, in Linux, it’s even easier. In Ubuntu for example, the Synaptic Package Manager offers you a great and beautiful “Free App Store” wherein with just a simple search and click, you already install an application successfully. The job of hunting the Internet for an “exe” file then process lots of pop-up windows seems now very complicated and time consuming.

Find, download and then install new software? No, it’s outdated. Now just type your desired software’s name. That’s it! (the naked)

POWERFUL command line

The beauty and power of Linux, as an Unix-like system, must be the command line. Within a terminal, you can recover the system if the graphics subsystem fails, script many applications and of course install new ones as well. It’s all done in just a (few) command line(s)! Windows also has got a command line (cmd), which is just by far inferior.

“What’s this script do?

unzip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; gasp ; yes ; umount ; sleep

Hint for the answer: not everything is computer-oriented. Sometimes you’re in a sleeping bag, camping out with your girlfriend.”

Some Linux MYTHS:

Linux is operated in command line!?

  • No, new Linux distros nowadays are very user-friendly. Using command line can be optional.

Linux GUI is terrible!?

  • No, the GUI of many Linux distros are really and truly awesome.

It’s hard to find my hardware drivers in Linux!?

  • No, Linux supports plenty of hardware open source drivers. The system will automatically detect and install drivers for you via the Internet!  

Linux doesn’t support many applications!?

  • No, most of Windows applications have the equivalent ones in Linux. Moreover, you can even run Windows applications, including many games, with the help of the guy called “Wine”.

Linux is an operating system!?

  • No, Linux is just a kernel and not an operating system itself. Operating systems built on that kernel are generally called mis-called Linux and should be called as GNU/Linux.

How to install Linux?

Kubuntu with KDE 4.3 copied from

Let’s start with Ubuntu – the most Linux user-friendly distro. The installation is pretty simple. First, you go here, download the latest version, burn it into a CD or create a USB drive. Then you can either give it a try or install it. With just 7 simple information acquisition steps and 15 minutes waiting, Ubuntu is ready for you to explore!

Don’t wait. Try it now! It’s worth every second you spend!

Latest review in Mar, 15, 2012 – Rexy

* This is a general article for any persons including IT novices. So I won’t discuss technical terms in details. Some necessary illustrations and/or clarifications will be examined here.













Money won’t make you rich

I had two father, a rich one and a poor one. Both offer me advices, but not the same things – one of the rich man, and one of the poor man. The problem was, the rich man was not rich yet and the poor man not yet poor!* (“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” – Robert Kiyosaki)

Nowadays, people are highly obsessed with money and … money ($). With “How to make money”; “How to earn more, work less”; “Make money fast, get rich quick” and many, many more, MONEY has become a buzzword. Because of its high profile, money is also at the heart of many debates over the notions of wealth. “Will money make us rich?” is one of those…

Money is essential but won't make you rich by Sarah Chong 

Money is inherent in everyone’s life. We all want it. But will money really make us rich? Contrary to popular belief, the answer is probably and surprisingly NO. This article will go further and give you an intriguing point of view about the paradoxical question.

Although it’s a bit long, I hope you enjoy and benefit from it.

Rich!? Say it Right!

By convention ‘Rich’ means having a lot of money. The rich likewise are those who have a lot of money and properties. Truth be told, many so-called “rich people”, who earn and possess plenty of money, can’t stop working. Some even have to work harder! In contrast, many people who live “normal” lives enjoy doing what they love without working nor worrying about money. In other words, they’re financially independent! Are those two kinds of people different? Are those “rich” people whom we desire to become? Probably not.

Until now rich is always accompanied by money and money alone. Is it the time for us to give “rich” a better definition, a better name which doesn’t just sound right? Well, financial Freedom!? Why not? Who dare claim those with financial freedom don’t possess lots of money? If so, should a person have financial freedom first before being considered rich?
Keeping this in mind, money won’t make you rich. But the lack of money makes you poor!

Money is essentially important:

  • Many people are dying of starvation in Africa because they can’t afford food and medical services.
  • Many kids are growing up with low self-esteem because they don’t have what they deserve.
  • Many marriages are broken because of stresses and arguments over the lack of money.

and many, many more examples…

Zig Ziglar once said “Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it’s reasonably close to oxygen on the ‘gotta have it’ scale!” Yes, money is undoubtedly indispensable. But…

Money won’t make you rich

Many people are taught and believe that money will make them rich. That is the reason why they all go to school, getting good grades to go on to University; getting good grades to become doctors, lawyers and other professionals that will earn them a lot of money (have you well followed this path?). They think the more money they earn, the richer they become. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really work out that way. To illustrate, let’s me give you an example:

Let’s say, you income is ($) A. You also work part-time at night. So you multiply your income by 1.5 times. What’s more, you’re fortunately promoted for your hard working. Altogether all your income is 2*A.

With money, girls're surely around you but it won't make you rich

With money, girls are surely around you but…

In such wonderful situation, would you think you will be become richer? – Probably. But in most of cases, you won’t. Why? Your income dramatically increases, but so do your taxes and expenses. You’re also likely to spend more money for your joys, your interests and much, much more. Still remember, the basic necessities’ costs (for food and clothing, etc.) would remain unchanged, if not increase as well. Hence, your cash flow would be:

Income (increases) – Taxes (increases)  – Expenses [luxuries (very likely to increase) + necessities (unchanged/even likely to increase as well)]

At the end of the day, you may have nicer cars, bigger houses, impressive luxuries (with lots of beautiful girls/men around :D) and even become a bit richer for your very hard endeavours. But you know what? You have to keep working harder and harder because your taxes and expenses keep increasing more and more. In all likelihood you will continue to struggle for the rest of your life for money. Sure, money makes you comfortable but it won’t make you rich!!

Money won’t make you rich. The ability to mange money helps you rich instead!

Most of people fail to realize that in life, it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you can manage that matters! (Robert Kiyosaki). Yes, money does make you “financially rich” but only in the short term (or even a moment)! And such a big amount of money doesn’t guarantee you wealthy for your whole life. You’ve probably heard of stories of lottery winners who are poor, then suddenly rich, then …poor again. They won millions and are soon back to where they started. There are also some other stories of several World Cup champions – notably, Nobbly Stiles and Alan Ball who sold their medals to “secure the future of my family”. Lamentably yet unsurprisingly, these guys have big problems in their cash flow management (what I mentioned a bit above) before they championed or won the lottery. And those problems were obviously never fixed. Hence, no matter one dollar, one thousand dollars or one million of dollars you have, if you don’t know how to manage it, you’ll lose it sooner or later… I love Harv Eker’s example given in his famous book, Secret of Millionaire Mind: “Saying “I’ll start managing my money as soon as I get caught up” is like an overweight person saying “I’ll start excersing and dieting as soon as I lose 20 pounds.” In essence, you will most likely never get rich unless you know how to manage your money!

By “managing money”, I mean what we do with our money – some choose to spend it all; some, save and some, invest. Although each of us may spend our money in many different ways, the average people without any financial intelligence apparently tend to spend almost all on their interests and other extravagance that would compensate for the hard work they’ve just spent to earn that money, which lamentably push them deeper into the “rat race”…

Personally I think earning money is hard but managing money is even harder.

Money won’t make you rich. Your “stupid emotion” and ignorance about money likewise make you not rich!

the fear

It’s the fear of not having enough money for paying bills, taxes, daily expenses, etc. that makes most of people working hard from day to day. The same fear makes them stressed all nights yet try waking up early to earn few bucks everyday. Some realize that hard and boring work, but keep working because of the same fear – the fear of not having enough money!! That old fear continues to scare them, make them stick to their work, hoping (in vain) that money will calm their fears. But it doesn’t! “Fear has them in this trap of working, earning money, working, earning money, again hoping the fear will go away. But everyday they get up, that old fear wakes up with them…” (Robert Kiyosaki). A vicious circle continues without ends. Their fears make money be running, controlling their lives. Thus if you continue to be afraid of money, you would become a slave to money.

Either you manage money or you'll be a slave of money

… and greed

I tend to agree that “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works!.. ” (Gordon Gekko – Wall Street movie). But many people work it out in the wrong way. Instead of letting money work for them to achieve their greeds (dreams and ambitions), people work for money to satisfy their greeds. They desire money for the joy they think it can buy. Nonetheless, nothing money can buy lasts forever! In fact, the joy that money brings is often short-livedAs a result, they soon need more money for more joy, more pleasure, more comfort, more security. So they keep working, thinking money will satisfy their desires. But again it doesn’t! Money won’t make you rich nor satisfied. A friend of mine once asked me “what and when is enough?” And I have no answer to that difficult question. Nothing is definitely not enough. But “everything” may be still not enough. 

Money, in short, will not solve our problems. And if you don’t first handle that fear and greed about money, once you somehow get rich, you’ll only be a high-paid slave of money – no more, no less! (Robert Kiyosaki) The examples keep coming around. I know a friend who keep working hard even though he has plenty. Additionally and amazingly, there are many so-called “rich people” actually living fearful lives. They did think that money could eliminate the fear of not having money, of being poor. Now they’re, albeit rich, terrified of losing it – losing their money, their cars, their houses, their luxuries.. Some are even more afraid and scared now than when they were poor, although they look rich and have plenty of money.
Basically Ignorance causes Fear. But in many cases, the reverse also holds true. It’s the “ancient fear” that makes many so-called “highly educated people” fall into the trap of “money emotion” that they may never be able to escape!


You may now have a lot or just very little of money. But the fact is that money itself won’t make you rich. The ability to manage money will make you rich instead. Knowing what to do with your money determines how hard it will work for you. With a strong financial literacy, just a little bit of money can work very hard for you. Otherwise, you have to work for it (because it’s very important). Once you work for money, it’s very hard for you to stop working for it! Do remember, the rich never work for money! (Robert Kiyosaki) Sunday Adelaja in his same-title-book also confirms that: “It is time for people everywhere to understand that money will not make us rich, and it will not make us happy. True prosperity will come when we know the laws of money and learn how to abide by them – You can control your money without letting it control you”…

Hopefully, after reading the article, you would say “I’ve big dreams and I’m chasing them” in lieu of “I’ve lots of desires and I’m chasing money” at the very least.

I’m really stoked that you’ve reached here. But it’s not the end yet…

True Prosperity comes in

Heath and Happiness are the keys to true success and prosperity

We’ve tried to give a better name for “rich”. How about prosperity? What’s true prosperity? Do prosperity simply mean rich? Well, as someone has said- and I tend to 100% agree that if you wanna be truly prosperous, you must be:

  1. Healthy
  2. Happy
  3. Wealthy

Two out of three are not bad (for many people, one is even enough!!). But true prosperity, I believe, takes all three!

“If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it” – John D. Rockefeller (the richest person in the history of mankind)

* Most of the quotes cited above are paraphrased
* You can read its previous version here.

Rewrite some ideas/sentences; but I’m kinda amazed that I could write this article at that time  (Review on March, 15, 12, April 14, 2013)