Come on Singaporeans

Criticisms and oppositions are all around, on street chit chats or group discussions…

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t oppose voicing out your feelings, ideas or opinions. In deed, I support such criticism and complains to a certain extent. Those are what will keep the country and its government on the right track preventing them from being self-satisfaction, monopoly and the likes. But sometimes it’s too excessive that it makes me wonder if you guys are fighting for the better or just purely complaining?

First let’s briefly see who Singapore is and its position in the world’s map:



– It’s got the top 3 airlines & the best airport in the world.

– It’s the second cleanest & probably the safest city in the world. (btw I really like their slogan – “Low crime doesn’t mean no crime”)

– Singapore is among top 10 countries, together with only Japan in Asia, whose citizens are granted visa-free access to 150 and more countries on earth.

– With nearly 1 in every 6 households has more than $1 million in assets, Singapore becomes the densest population of wealthy households in the world.

That just to name a few. In fact, according to CNNTravel, Singapore is the world’s greatest city based on these 50 reasons.

The city-state is apparently not a bad country right Singaporeans? To be honest, I don’t know much about your country’s history & Government. But let’s be fair to what they – the ruling political party have done to Singapore. Their policies from taxes, CPFs to penalties, etc. all seem excellent. They all work. Having done those things, they do realize their weaknesses and acknowledge that albeit the first world country, Singapore haven’t had the 1st world Government yet.

These few facts above are just to illustrate another fact that some Singaporeans are really “pathetic” & “funny”. They cry and complain about almost everything. They complain about their awesome ruling party being too “communist” (without understanding what communist really is). They complain about foreigners taking away their jobs… And recently the story of a man who asks a minister to stop foreigners from “stealing” local women exemplifies a complaining habit which is spreading out to quite a lot young Singaporeans. (Btw, the minister’s anwser is funny too, “The government cannot regulate love”. lol)

More about that story, almost all Singaporeans both men and women, laugh at that guy when he just dares to say what he thinks. But think about it for a moment, the story of foreigners snatching local women is basically similar to the story of the those taking away jobs from the local. Those who laugh at the guy should laugh at themselves too. If you’re good enough, no one can take anything away from you, no matter what it is, loves or jobs. There is no such thing as “unfair advantages” here.

Of course I know that those are just opinions of the minority who are likely not doing their jobs well…

Come on guys & girls. Stop complaining, blaming & making excuses.

Updated on Mar 18th, 2013

Monday, October 22, 2012 around 4am
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 around 4am
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