goes minimalist

I started revamping the site as early as Sep 13. After so many delays, it’s first launched at Nov 17 & then took me roughly 2 weeks to complete all the makeover. Alright, let me go through some of the major changes in this latest, minimalist design.

What’s new?

To begin with, font size is probably the most striking difference. I’ve increased the base font size from 16 to roughly 20px (1,25rem). The left side animated line which makes use of HTML5 canvas is another highlight. It’s absolutely a fun replacement for the navigation line “flop” which was somewhat minimal and creative but didn’t seem to pass the usability test in the last design ;( The search and footer are both removed as part of a cleaner, more minimalist theme.

In the blog home page, there is no more page pagination – meaning there is only 1 page now featuring current month’s best moments (I create it for me not only to save my good moments but also to be grateful for everyday I have – which I shouldn’t let it pass wastefully), 3 latest posts & the Best of Rexy. Archive page is used in favour of the unnecessarily long blog page pagination.  As you may notice, the page is completely redesigned (partially based on Paul Irish’s if I’m not wrong). One of my favourite new design!

One of my favorite new function is the so-called magic dot button which is always flashy after a few seconds and will lead you to a random old post of mine upon click. I steal the idea from my friend’ tumblr blog, which I find it very useful in such a way that I’m now able to read my old posts randomly. This is also where the small & hidden navigation is located.

There is a header banner at the top in each post just before the title which now actually consists of a link to facilitate sharing (testing). Inside the content, blockquote & links are changed dramatically. The post footer is also vastly changed to an awesome Laughing and minimalist way. The original date of publish comes first followed by the latest modified time if applicable then there is my nickname, post’s categories & tags & lastly <3 love it –  a personal “facebook likes”.

Another feature worth mentioning is the brand new 404 page – which bases on my fun song & animation. Click here to see it in action 😛

Admin-wise, there is no more wp annoying “top fixed” admin bar. Post edit is now still conveniently at each post’s footer.

Design makes what is complex feel simpler, and makes what is simpler feel richer — John Maeda

Last but not least, this design is responsive – meaning it would work well in various devices no matter it’s desktops, tablets or mobiles.

What else?

Search which is deemed unnecessary for a personal blog is removed. So do the comments – bad news for spammers. Sometimes comments serve good purposes but usually it’s a bad thing to have. It’s only closed by default not completely removed. I do leave it open for some posts.

This launch also marks a new milestone where What I wish I had done has topped Money won’t make you rich to be the number one article in Rexy. It’s justified by growing number of regrets of people who have lived more than two third of their lives.

Unlike the last 2 major revamps, I think this minimalist theme will last long – much longer than its predecessors. For me, this version is absolutely stable (framework-free, styling-free), minimal & overall fantastic – my most enjoyable design thus far!


Version 2.0 – minimalist
Built on WordPress. Make use of HTML5. jQuery. CSS3. SASS.

ps: I’m gonna release this  rexy theme – standalone version – for free. Will try my best to release it asap. As of now, it’s still a child them with minimal dependence on its parent’s