“What have you learned?”

It’s toward the end of my third course. So there would be some questions asked:

1. What did they teach you?


Operating system (OS): Kernel, Distributed systems, Concurrent transactions, Deadlock, ACID, some applicable (yet not practical for me) OS algorithms and much more (bullshit topics)

Data management n handling (DMnH): basic data strutures and (search n sorting) algorithms

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreuneur n Intrapreneur “myths”, Creativity, Innovation, 4Ps, Business plan, Environment assessment, legal structures n issues and some small (interesting) topics

Software engineering (SE): honestly, I didn’t notice what they taught exactly (just recognized the slide’s always overwhelming by words :)) though, on the other hand, I’ve learned “something” in the lecture-times. Perhaps, there were some topics such as … pseudocode !?, refactoring and SW constructions (’cause they occured in the exam) LOL

2. What have you learned?



  • “(Microsoft) Windows is extremely fast after a fresh install. If you want to make it stay that way: – don’t use it!!” (use Linux instead!!!)
  • Know how to justify a doc in M.Office. haha


  • How to come home in the shortest way after getting lost…
  • Don’t put your loves into a stack!
  • Oh, I haven’t learned so much in my dear subj πŸ™


  • “Life is not fair, get used to it!” (though I believe life itself is absolutely fair!)
  • If I copy information from one source (without credits), it’s called “Plagiarism“. But if I copy from multiple sources, it’s called “Research“!?
  • “Talk is cheap!!” (yah, almost all ppl can talk the talk)


  • How time is wasted and how long it is!!
  • “There is always one more imbecile (as well as genius) than you counted on”.
  • How stupid I was and I am!

3. What did you do?

  • Evaluated some kind of input.
  • Read, Copied and pasted; Read, copied and … πŸ˜€
  • Wrote my most professional journal and many “useful” articles πŸ™‚
  • “Tricked n Cheated” !?

4. What have you achieved?

Fortunately, a lot!:D But most of them are intangible. So hard to tell!Β 

5. What do you regret?

  • Absent all deadlock lessons
  • Absent only few days
  • Spent too much time out-of-interest!!
  • Didn’t do any/many useful things (in different areas)

6. Was it worth it?

My heart says YES, but my head says NO. lol

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 around 10am
Monday, September 10, 2012 around 10am
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