It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read, it’s how much you’ve learned and actually APPLIED it into your real life that matters. Books are not a show-off but a teacher – the greatest one of all.
I did jot down some good notes of what I found interesting and useful when reading books. But then I’ve found Derek Sivers’s got very interesting notes of all the books he’s read. I then asked myself why not do the same thing so that I can review them at anytime and anywhere I want as well as share them with others at the same time? Yay, I’m doing it now!
Alright, there you go. Brief summary followed by detailed notes for each book (as I quickly type their good ideas down, there may be a lot of typos in the overview – forgive me that). This page will be constantly updated as I read more, so bookmark it if you are interested in.
Books I've Just Read: Sort these books by Rating - READING TIME:Aug 2010; Sept 2014 - RATING: 10/10 Money is arguably one of, if not the most important subject that is completely neglected at schools and University but fortunately not in this book. I glanced at this book 3 or 4 times before realising that it was really a turn-around for me. It completely changes what I thought about money, job and life as well as helping me get started on my personal development journey. It is the key to the rich’s world! My favorite book so far.
- READING TIME:September 2012, 2013 - RATING: 10/10 Another great book recommended by my brother. In fact, it’s his gift for my 21st Birthday. Almost all of Steven Convey’ ideas including paradigms, personal statement, time management are total fresh to me considering I’ve read quite a lot of other great books. A must read!
- READING TIME:summer 2011, 2013 - RATING: 9.5/10 Thousands of people become multi-millionaires or even billionaire after reading this self-growth book. This sentence alone should convince you to go buy and read it now!This book explains what you will encounter in your journey to wealth, what to be aware of and what steps to take to attain abundance. It goes on to say that if you are ready for abundance, the secret of this book may pop up at any time, in any page. That will surely keep you intrigued to read the whole book!
- READING TIME:Summer? 2010 - RATING: 8/10 Wanna be an early riser or have more efficient and deeper sleep or “sleep less and have more energy”? This book is for you.
-----READING TIME: November 2012, 2013 - RATING: 10/10 I accidentally discovered this great old book by myself. Gratitude, one of Wallace D. Wattles's first lessons, impresses me a lot. So many lessons & personal experiences I've learned and discovered through this really short book. I have to say, after reading this book, that there is a secret - there really is, of getting rich!! And you know what, this incredible book is made FREE by Rebecca Fine. You can download it at
By Napoleon Hill. READING TIME: summer 2011, 2013 RATING: 9.5/10 Thousands of people become multi-millionaires or even billionaire after reading this self-growth book. This sentence alone should convince you to go buy and read it now!This book explains what you will encounter in your journey to wealth, what to be aware of and what steps to take to attain abundance. It goes on to say that if you are ready for abundance, the secret of this book may pop up at any time, in any page. That will surely keep you intrigued to read the whole book!
By Dale Carnegie. READING TIME: 2009, 2010, 2012 - RATING: 9/10 Another book I read in both Vietnamese and English. This classic is a must for every leader and those who wanna improve significantly the quality of their lives. Just read and blindly follow each and every single instruction offered by this book, you will be able to actually "win friends and influence people". If you can only read only a few books, this classic must be one of them!
By George S. Clason. READING TIME: June 2012 - RATING: 8/10 This is another classic which was recommended by my dear Jim Rohn and many others as an excellent personal finance book. It is not surprising to know that many thousand-dollar financial programmes offered by Tony Robbins or Harv Eker base their tactics mostly on this little book's wisdoms. It's also where the "no.1" personal finance philosophy, "Pay yourself first" comes from. Having read and followed everything it teaches, strong money management skills are almost guaranteed. A strong start to financial freedom!
By Harv Eker. READING TIME: 2008, 2010 - RATING: 9/10 This is one of my very first books about personal finance and development, which I read in both Vietnamese and English. To be honest, it made a good impact on me, helping me realise "Poor is a state of mind" and "poverty begins, or rather, is allowed to continue, in one's imagination first". Eker illustrates it further by 17 differences in thinking between the rich and the poor such as “Rich people focus on opportunities while Poor people focus on obstacles”. This will open the entrance to the rich's world for everyone who seek for it.
READING TIME: 2010 - RATING: 8/10 Wanna be an early riser or have more efficient and deeper sleep or "sleep less and have more energy"? This book is for you.
READING TIME: 03 Jan 2011, 2012, 2013 - RATING: NA/10 My note is coming soon.
READING TIME: April, 2010 - RATING: 9/10 One of the most convincing book about health and diet, I have ever read. In fact, almost all my current diet and health principles are based on this book's and it works quite well. To sum up, guys and gals, if you wanna have a lean and sexy body with even 6-pack abs, "The Truth about 6-pack abs" is a no-brainer.
READING TIME: 2011-01-03 - RATING: 7/10 A good read for anyone who wants to expand their networks - to be updated
READING TIME: 2011-01-03 - RATING: NA/10 Coming soon
By David J. Lieberman. READING TIME: June 2012 - RATING: 7/10 Although its title and subtitle sound a bit trite and hollow , this book is not a crap at all. In fact, it does offer many "specific psychological tactics governing human behavior" as well as some good relationship advices. Using simple language and going sharply into details of each main point with a sumary after each chapter, Lieberman makes it look like an "action book" whereby I really enjoy reading the first few chapters. A decent add-on to "How to win friends and influence people" classic.
READING TIME: 2011 - RATING: 6/10 A collection of big companies' starting stories. A good reference for founders and entrepreneurs.
READING TIME: 2011 - RATING: NA Unlimited Power is a revolutionary fitness book for the mind. It will show you step by step, how to perform at your peak while gaining emotional and financial freedom, attaining leadership and self-confidence, and winning the cooperation of others.
READING TIME: Dec 2012, Jan 2013 - RATING: 7/10 With more than 4 millions copies sold, this is another classic. Got some very good points - to be updated
READING TIME: March 2012 - RATING: 8/10 I bought this book not only because it was written by one of my idol but also because of its given insights which "bring new light to some areas in which darkness has prevailed". Since not many people fully know about the infamous Vietnam War as most of the information is politically partisan, the former prime minister and vice president of South Vietnam's inside look is well worth reading.
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